"Mail-Art Across
the World" consists of a free project of displaying beautifully written
international mail art.
It is meant for calligraphists without origin limitations. Envelopes will
be displayed with an information card in countries of organizers and every
people who accept to welcome it.
If you wish to participate, please
send one or several written envelopes by the 1st of December 2013, stamped at the
tariff rate in force in your country, to one or several of the following addresses
on the right.
1st of December 2013
, Maximum size : A4 (U.S. "letter" format ), theme free, with calligraphy
the envelope, please enclose the following text and annexe :
"This envelope and its contents are meant for the exhibition
"Mail art across the World ". I agree that the technical
data enclosed (as wemm as my details) be indicated during
the exhibition. I will be informed of the details of the organisation
(place, circumstances and participants) at the latest 15 days
before the beginning of the first private viewing on the mail-art-project.com
website. I take due note that the "work" sent won't
be returned and may be published. I take notice that the organisation
will not sell my work.
Date, place and signature
address, country*,
e-mail**, web site or telephone
technical details of your work .
** Your e-mail will not be published.
All the participants works will be on-line in the virtual
gallery of the website..
hope that you will take part in this frontier-free calligraphy initiative
with as much enthusiasm as we do and are very much looking forward
to your participation.
The team of "Mail-Art Across the World"
Mail art project Sommaire
Mail art across the world
24 av. Jean Jaurès,
24750 Trélissac FRANCE
05 53 04 91 81 E-mail
Mail art across the world
Plumes et Calames
47 rue Montgomery
7540 Tournai BELGIUM
GSM : +32 - (0)478 241 988 Email www.plumes-et-calames.be
Mail art across the world CIAC, « Centre International des Arts Calligraphiques»
Marta lagna
via Tullio passarelli
67 00128 Roma ITALY Email www.articalligrafiche.it
Mail art across the world
Kalligrafisk klubb
Bas Vlam,
postboks 147, 5329
Florvåg, NORWAY Email www.kalligraf.no